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Attendance Policy

RVL Attendance and Coursework Guidelines for Grades 6 - 12

To help ensure alignment with guidelines related to student attendance and graduation requirements, the processes and RVL program guidelines outlined below will be implemented for all students enrolled in a virtual track through Rogers Public Schools.

Attendance Requirements

  • RVL students will follow district attendance guidelines for all absences.
  • Attendance will be awarded based on daily and weekly activity reports pulled from the Virtual Arkansas platform.
  • Students may be dropped following ten or more unexcused absences and/or no activity in virtual courses.
  • Students who have habitual attendance problems, combined with failure to make progress in courses, and a refusal to communicate circumstances will have a FINS (Family in Need of Services) filed with the juvenile court in Benton County.
  • A student’s lack of engagement in their virtual courses will not come as a surprise. We will have made multiple attempts emailing and calling the student and his/her parent/guardian and completed home visits prior to a filing of a FINS case.

Virtual Coursework and Assignments

  • Virtual courses offer flexible learning but are not designed to be “at your own pace.”
  • Students will follow the pacing guide for the course and adhere to due dates set forth by their teachers. Once the first nine weeks have passed, no work from the previous nine weeks will be accepted for grading.
  • Students must work on assignments in order and spend a minimum of five hours working on lessons and assignments in their virtual courses each week. Students must submit all assignments for the week per the course pacing guide and due dates set forth by their teachers. Students are subject to to the late work grading practices of each individual teacher.
  • Students with grades below 60% will be required to attend virtual and/or in-person guided instruction sessions during the school week.

RVL Program Orientation and Guided Instruction

  • New RVL students and their parent/guardian or designated instructional coach must attend a virtual program training session within one week of enrollment in the RVL Program.
  • RVL students needing additional support from their teacher can schedule a Google Meet or attend guided instruction sessions at the RVL building on Tuesday and Thursday each week from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm.
  • RVL students may be required to attend mandatory in-person or virtual sessions based on teacher referral, grades and/or insufficient progress towards completion of course.

RVL Guidelines on Plagiarism & AI (Artificial Intelligence) Generated Work

  • All work submitted by students must be original. Any quoted information taken from credible sources on the Internet must be appropriately cited in the students' work. This applies for siblings who are also taking virtual courses. All student-created assignments are put through a plagiarism checker upon submission. It also detects AI generated answers.
  • Consequences
    • 1st violation - Written warning to student and parent/guardian. Student will be given one opportunity to resubmit work without penalty.
    • 2nd violation - In-person conference with student and parent/guardian. Student will receive a zero for the work and will be put on academic probation with RVL.
    • 3rd violation - Removal from RVL program for continual violation of policies.

Guidelines implemented for students receiving program services will be modified and monitored by Special Education, ESOL, and other program area staff to ensure alignment and compliance with the student’s individual education plan and/or services.